Dorot is the United Synagogue’s own environmental initiative which has identified 3 primary objectives for the organisation.

  • Reduce pollution 
  • Reduce carbon footprint
  • Improve biodiversity

These objectives had further been broken down into 7 distinct projects:

  1. Eliminate disposables
  2. Energy audits
  3. Rewilding US land (cemeteries) and shul grounds
  4. Planting trees – Norfolk project
  5. Clean investments project
  6. Green travel policy
  7. Responsible food consumption

Hear its project manager, Naomi Verber, who recently addressed our Eco Team, discuss how Dorot fits with the Eco Synagogue initiative.

Eco Judaism logo

EcoJudaism promotes the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment across the Jewish Community in accordance with the principles of the Jewish faith.

EcoJudaism is a unique initiative which spans the whole UK Jewish community, with leadership from Trustee Rabbis from five different Jewish denominations. EcoJudaism’s aim is to move the UK Jewish community from bal tashchit – don’t waste and don’t destroy – to tikkun olam – saving the planet for future generations.

EcoJudaism has seven activity streams, including their online Environmental Audit for Synagogues, a holistic approach to giving communities a framework for improving their environmental knowledge, sustainability, and working towards net zero.

The Environment Audit looks at 5 areas:

  1. Community (Synagogue) Management commitment to this pathway
  2. Prayer & Teaching
  3. Lifestyle
  4. Land, Buildings & Consumables
  5. Community & Global Engagement.

Northwood has already been granted Eco Judaism’s Silver award and we are now striving to make further improvements to our community’s relationship with its environment, as a building, a community, as individuals and as part of a wider conversation on this important topic.

The Torah tells us that we are trustees of God’s creation and it is our responsibility, as communities and individuals to protect our planet and leave it to our children and grandchildren in a state of wholeness and health.

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